Although Amazon does provide you with the ability to appeal, getting your account restored can be unpleasant and difficult. An Amazon account suspension could have a significant negative impact on your company. We provide you with vital writing advice and detailed information on what you must do if your Amazon account is suspended.
Causes Of This Problem
You will receive an email notification of the stopped account, and you will not be capable of selling on Amazon until the suspension is lifted. Your account may be suspended if you fail to meet Amazon’s performance requirements for sellers or break one of their selling rules.
Your Amazon account suspended if you meet Amazon’s requirements for order defect rate (the number of orders with negative feedback), late shipment rate, and pre-fulfilment cancellation rate.
Account suspensions for breaking policy are possible when selling illegal goods or failing to follow Amazon’s selling guidelines.
The selling policy you broke will be mentioned in the suspension message and the products’ Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs). However, it is up to you to figure out why your account was suspended.
Appealing Your Suspension
- Recognize the cause of your account’s suspension.
- Make a plan of action in writing.
- Usually responding within two days through email, Amazon occasionally takes longer.
That’s how you have to do an Amazon suspension appeal.
Vital Components Of Your Appeal On Amazon
It will take some time to develop a successful action plan. Although it may be enticing to put anything together fast and submit it to Amazon as promptly as possible, it may take a few days before you hear back, and if it doesn’t work out, you’ll have to repeat the entire process.
Your account may eventually be permanently closed by Amazon. Thus your initial appeal must be as strong as possible.
· Identify The Problem
If your courier was the source of your delayed delivery, you ought to have recognized the problem and switched to a different courier. Instead, you opted to make up justifications or place the blame elsewhere.
· Demonstrate That You Got The Issue.
You must correct all the problems that led to your suspension by Amazon by making the required changes to your business procedures before submitting your Amazon suspension appeal. Any listings that are against Amazon’s policies need to be taken down.
· Describe The Preceding Steps You Have Taken.
Then, go into detail about the steps you have previously taken. In your appeal, you must show Amazon the measures you’ve already taken to resolve the problem; you shouldn’t just describe what you’ll do if your account is revived. While your account is suspended, you should be proactive and take all necessary steps.
· Be Brief.
There should be no need for lengthy or even any reasons in your argument; it should be brief and to the point. The only things that matter to Amazon are that you understand what went wrong, how you fixed it, and what you plan to do to prevent it from happening again.